This is year two of my yoga journey. And I can’t believe I am still even talking about it. I secretly thought that I would eventually get over yoga. But the opposite happened. I actually fell in love with yoga. And let’s be clear, I am not great at yoga… yet! But I have learned several things along this journey. One… is that I am highly motivated by yoga challenges.
This time last year I did a “90 class in 90 days” yoga challenge. I only completed 45 clases in that time frame. But through my participation in the yoga challenge I grew tremendous improvement in my practice. This year I am going to set my own personal goal to complete the ultimate yoga challenge of doing yoga for 365 days straight! You can follow my progress on Instagram.
In this blog post, I am going to list 3 different types of yoga challenges, as well as my favorite resources for yoga challenge success.
Consecutive Day Yoga Challenges
I mentioned earlier that my very first yoga challenge was built around 90 consecutive days. Consecutive day challenges are great because they help you really develop a habit of practicing consistently. Many studies show that habits are built when you do something for three weeks or more. And building a habit requires that you overcome many struggles like body fatigue and simple logistics of when you will carve out time to practice.
I love Yoga with Adriane’s 30 day Yoga Challenge.
Adriance’s style is low stress and great for beginners. The best part is, you can press play any time of day. After you complete your first 30 days you could complete the yoga challenge again or pick another class to follow.
Minute Goal Yoga Challenges
I recently joined the Strava app and thought it was so cool that you could set a goal for distance or minutes doing an activity. I think setting a 100 minute goal for you a yoga challenge would also be a great introduction to someone looking to build the habit, especially if you know you can’t commit to practicing every day.
Progress Goal Yoga Challenges
In my own 365 day goal, I have separated the months into specific progress goals.
In month one I will work on forward folds, month two three-legged dog, month three handstands, etc., etc. I was watching Cathy Madeo on Youtube and she encouraged yogis to practice what they aren’t good at. This simple encouragement was an epiphany for me, especially since there are several things I am not great at that I would love to spend some time developing in isolation.

Free Yoga Resources
YouTube – Do not underestimate the power of YouTube especially since the pandemic hit, several studios have created several hours of content that are free for you use during yoga challenges. A few of my favorites are
- Yoga with Adriene: https://www.youtube.com/user/yogawithadriene
Subscription Based Yoga Resources
Before I joined a brick and mortar studio and before I discovered Yoga challenges on YouTube I subscribed to the https://www.theyogacollective.com/ Yoga Collective. I still use this platform because I love that I can filter by length and focus. I believe I paid around $30 for a full year for Yoga Collective.
I do plan on updating you all throughout my 365 day yoga journey, I hope you will follow me on Instagram and subscribe to my blog for more updates. Feel free to comment on this post with any follow-up questions or send me a DM on Instagram.
If you would like to learn more about my favorite fitness apps to round out your yoga journey please click here.
I recently launched Chanj.co it’s a lifestyle brand and I am so proud of it, because I literally have created a space for all the things I love! Including this travel Yoga Mat! It’s the perfect accessory for your new journey.

Awesome challenge info