We go to San Diego every summer! This trip we decided to travel off the resort and travel the city a bit. We weren’t sure what to expect from the USS Midway in San Diego California. It was such a fun place to take our 4 small children. And BONUS my husband and I had a blast too!

I was so surprised to see how interactive the USS Midway San Diego was. There were plenty of things to jump on, and touch and run through for even the baby. Including planes that the kids were able to climb into and sit in the cockpit of. There were viewing

My husband and older children enjoyed the virtual reality test pilot simulator (additional cost). My two year old enjoyed the virtual reality experience (additional cost), and the baby, enjoyed the company, and the snacks.
Friendly staff
As a family, we enjoyed the video which was perfect for viewers of all ages. We were nervous that it might be too graphic for young viewers, but as the video announcer warned before the video started, there was nothing gory or frightening about the presentation. The video sparked tons of questions from my kids and from me. There were plenty of knowledgeable tour guides that wandered through the facility of the USS Midway San Diego.

Insider tip: We arrived just after 1 pm and the crowd was minimal. We spent about 4 hours on the ship was plenty for little legs. And if you are traveling with older children you probably could see the entire boat in that amount of time.
Plenty to see at the USS Midway San Diego
The only thing we didn’t view was the bottom level with the engine. I was a little disappointed that we missed that, but when we come back, that will be our first stop. I can only imagine how massive the engine must be in order to propel a ship the size of the USS Midway through the ocean.

We did see the top and middle levels of the USS Midway. And the view from the top was spectacular. And a nice break from the mid-level which can be a bit muggy inside. We were comfortable, but I was glad I was wearing a summer dress because it was a bit warmer inside the ship then it was outside.
The mid-level is where the snack bar, gift shop, and virtual reality rides are located. This was my favorite level because you really get a sense for how large the boat was. There were hundreds of people on board when we visited and it blew my mind to imagine it filled with sailors as it once was.

Overall Review of the USS Midway
8/10 – My kids gave it an 8 out of 10 when I asked them to compare it to a trip to Disneyland. That really surprised me even though I really enjoyed myself too. In short… I would totally recommend visiting the USS Midway with children. It was a great experience a great opportunity to share a little bit of American history with our kids.

Thanks for reading! Let me know if you get a chance to visit.
Check out our trip and tips for traveling to Yosemite with Kids here