It’s almost cuddle weather! And I can’t wait to finally turn off the AC and turn up the heat! Today I am sharing 7 ways to turn up the heat in your marriage this fall.
Plan an amazing date night… at home
Sometimes finding a sitter is more work than it’s worth, and we have had our share of mix-ups. (I thought you got the sitter??) So we planned a late-night dessert date at home. Sometimes there isn’t a budget for a fancy meal out. But a wonderful time can be had at home with candlelight and laughter.

Engage in the power of touch
I am embarrassed that I can literally go days without touching my spouse. Lately, I have been intentional about rubbing his neck while he drives. Or purposefully rubbing his back as he scrambles an egg. You will be amazed how powerful simple touch is in turning up the heat in your marriage.

Unplug from technology
This one is my weakness. So much of my business is done on my phone and I know my husband feels like he is competing with my screen. So when I want to turn up the heat, I put my phone far away from reach, so I can give him my undivided attention. This is not something they will notice the first time you do it. Don’t expect a pat on the back the first time you put your phone down. But as you continue the habit to spend time away from your phone your spouse will begin to notice and appreciate your commitment to face to face time.

Put the kids down early
We will admit that this one is the hardest in early fall when the sun still has not set, but you are ready for the kids to GO – TO – BED!! Sometimes we try to plan our early bed nights around trips to the water park, or any activity that we know will REALLY wear the kids out. And truth be told my kids may or may not have been given children’s strength melatonin when we really need them to close their sweet little eyes.

Cook Together
I am not talking about sharing the job of your husband’s favorite rib dinner or that he should help you with your family’s secret cheesecake recipe. This blog post is about turning up the heat, not the arguing! LOL one simple way to turn up the heat is to cook something simple together. It’s a great way to connect. We often will share the work of making sandwiches or packing school lunches. This simple act helps me to remember that we really are on the same team, especially during times where our marriage feels a little intense.

Make Breakfast in Bed
I saw this one on this article and I thought this gesture was so sweet. This is something I use to spontaneously do before we were parents. And something I stopped doing once my husband began to get picky about what I was making for him. (He was always on some diet and I could never guess what he wanted to eat.) But I have seen his breakfast routine long enough, and I am no longer up till midnight breastfeeding the baby. So this is a tradition I hope to reintroduce into our love language.

Write a Love Note
I literally have boxes of love letters we use to write to each other before kids! LOL And neither of this has done this in sooo long! I am committing to writing my husband a letter at least once this fall. I think he would be so surprised. I think it would be funny to compare our old love letters to one I might write now. Either way!! I am going to do it!

Now! Turn up the Heat
I hope you commit to trying at least one of the items on this list of ways to “turn up the heat this fall!” If you share it on Instagram please tag me! I would love to celebrate with you as we all work to invest in our marriages this fall and all year long!
Xo- Chantea