Team Mac Southern California Vacation

Team Mac Southern California Vacation

I was going to make a blog post sharing my favorite tips for a family beach outing.. but my list went like this

  1.     Expect sand everywhere (See my blondie’s sandwich photos below)
  2.     Sunscreen is a must especially in overcast weather (I learned this lesson the hard way years ago)
  3.     Dollar Tree for the win (for buying cheap sand toys)

And then I realized that all I really wanted to do was share my vacation photos with you on a blog post! So let me just keep it real.. and show you my vacation photos! Hehe

Can I tell you how needed this vacation was! I am almost to the point where I can actually relax while on vacation. I mean the baby is walking, my blondie has enough sense to not just throw herself into the water, and my older two swim like a fish.

My fantasy of reading while they swim is so within reach!

For me, the highlight of this trip was the Carlsbad Lagoon. We bought rental vouchers on a whim from Groupon, and it was money well spent. They had a little bit of sand so blondie was entertained. They had a great variety of water toys to keep even my adrenaline junky husband entertained, and they even had a paddleboat that let me take all of my littles out on the water and I felt like I did my job as a 

mom! LOL

Note to self for next year! Although my heart felt great taking my blondie, the baby AND my oldest out on the paddle boat, my knees were not happy. It was hard for the Amazon women to peddle because the steering wheel kept hitting my legs, and my oldest couldn’t reach the pedals so the boat was only motorized by momma’s will and wheel power! LOL

Outside of that! The trip was perfect!

Thanks for reading! xo Chantea

Have you ever taken your kids or yourself on a paddle boat? Was your experience similar? Are there any future parenting tip blog posts you would like to see?


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