Hey friend! Thanks for reading my blog post! Today I am going to be sharing my favorite Skin care routine for oily skin and also my current skincare routine. If you want to skip directly to my current routine you can click here.
My skin type
I have always been obsessed with acne-fighting skin care due to my chronic acne that started when I was 13. And yes I have tried everything all the up to Accutane which is the most aggressive prescription you can take to treat severe chronic acne. You can learn more about my favorite acne-fighting products in a future blog post. But depending on the time of year, my skin can be very oily. Especially during the summer months. But occasionally throughout the year depending on my stress level and hormones. I feel very strongly that you really need to listen to your skin when treating it because some days my skin is dry, some day’s it’s a combination, and some days it’s oily. In this blog post, I am going to share my favorite skin care tips for oily skin.
Best cleanser for oily skin
When identifying a cleanser for oily skin it’s important to find one that is not alcohol based. My favorites are.
I love these because they have active ingredients that really help your skin cells shed which can be problematic when your skin is oily. The top layer of oily skin resists the natural shedding process and can lead to acne and even more, oil build-up. Salicylic and Glycolic acids can both help speed up the shedding process.
Both salicylic acid and glycolic acid do a great job in helping the skin shed dead cells without being drying.

Bonus Tip:
A quick tip for cleansing in your skin care for oily skin is to really pay attention to the water temperature. I never wash with water hotter than my hands can comfortably touch. In fact, I like to use a temperature that is just a bit warmer than lukewarm. If you are feeling fancy you can rinse with cold water after you cleanse your face, which will really help in closing those oil creating pores.
My favorite Moisturizers for Oily Skin
I go into a lot of details here about my favorite moisturizers for oily skin. But here is the shortlist.
I do think it’s important to moisturize even with oily skin. A good moisturizer helps to balance your skin’s ph which can help reduce the oil your skin produces. I realize that this may be counter-intuitive. But if you try a light moisturizer you will be surprised with how much your skin will improve.

My current Skin Care Routine
Face Wash
If you have watched my full skin care routine on Instagram, you already know that I wash my face at least twice each time I wash. (Day and night). The First time I wash my face I use Cereve. This one is a staple for me, I don’t think I will ever not use this one because it’s so great for helping me prevent acne and to turn over my skin cells.

But there are so many great face washes that do so much more than that so I love to rotate the second wash to take advantage of some of the other features. My current second wash product is Urban Skin Rx.
I always tone my skin. It’s an important step that many people skip that can make such a big difference in your overall skin health and appearance. Right now, in the morning I use the Urban Skin Rx pads. This one is great for acne and helping with my ingrown hairs. And at night I use the Kate Sommerville toner which really is AMAZING! This one leaves my skin bright and glorious! I would use the Kate one morning and night but the directions say night only.

Treatments for Oily Skin
For my acne, I use the Clear Complexion Acne treatment, and I apply this in the evening. About three times a week, I switch the Acne treatment with the Retinol treatment. And twice a week I use the PFB Ingrown Hair roll on.

Every night I use the Urban Skin RX Vitamin C serum. I drip a few drops to each check and neck, then one drop on my four head. Rub in then continue with my moisturizers.

In the evenings I finish the above routine with a night cream. I literally rotate between these. I love them all. (If you want to know what I love about each of them check out this blog post).

During the day, I use one of these moisturizers.
Sunscreen for Oily Skin
Even on foggy or cloudy days I use a sunscreen. Suncreen is the number one way to fight wrinkles. It would be such a shame to do all this skincare work only to blow it all with the damaging sun rays.

Starting Point for Beginners
And that’s it! LOL! I know this is a lot! I didn’t start with this many steps. If you are new to skincare routines, I would choose the Cereve face wash, the Thayers toner, the Vitamin C from Kiehls (linked below) or Urban Skin Rx and a sunscreen.
If my orginal list didn’t overwhelm you, then I truly highly recommend every product! These are all in my vanity drawers and I have way more that I have tried and did not list because either I didn’t see results, or they just weren’t worth the extra step.
Please let me know if you have any questions. And feel free to leave your questions in the comments or to DM me on Instagram.
xo – Chantea