I can’t believe it’s been well over 2 years since my ablation of endometriosis! I got so much positive feedback from my first blog post. Many of you messaged me on Instagram to ask follow-up questions, so I thought I would give you all an update. PS! I do very much appreciate all the questions you send me on Instagram so if you have additional questions after reading this blog post feel free to hit me up or comment at the end of this blog post.
What is an ablation procedure for?
Ablation of endometriosis is a relatively simple procedure. Scar tissue is created and prevents the rebuilding of the uterine lining during the ablation of endometriosis
Is an ablation a serious surgery?
Ablation of endometriosis is generally an outpatient procedure. And Recovery will take 2-6 weeks.
What are the 2 types of ablation?
There are two types of Ablation cardiac and ablation of endometriosis. Cardiac Ablations methods include catheter ablation using radiofrequency (heat cauterization) and catheter ablation using cryoablation (freeze cauterization). Endometrial Ablation has three methods; Laser, hot water, and balloon.
I go into great detail about each type of ablation of endometriosis in this blog post here.
Are you awake for an ablation?
I wasn’t! There are three types of ablation of endometriosis that require anesthesia. Recovery time depends on the patient and method of the procedure but generally takes 2-6 weeks.

My Two Year Ablation of Endometriosis Update
In short… It’s the best decision I could have made. I feel so grateful to barely remember the period pain that use to disable me for weeks every month. I am happy to report, the pain I felt during menstruation is absolutely gone! The spotting is almost gone as well.
Most months, IF I have a cycle at all, I can put a light-day tampon in first thing in the morning and basically forget about it. My most common routine is to put a panty liner in when I notice spotting and go about my day. I don’t spot every month and I definitely don’t track my cycle like I did before my ablation of endometriosis. Prior to the procedure the 7-10 of my cycle were a total life freeze. During my cycle, I tried to plan little to nothing so I could just moan and load up on Midol. Now, my spotting can not even interrupt a family trip to the water park! And I haven’t taken a Midol in two years.
My ablation of endometriosis Advice
JUST DO IT! The only thing you should be worried about is how your body will react to the anesthesia used during the procedure. Once you come out the procedure fine the rest is easy peasy!!
In case you missed it I did write about my first experience with my ablation of endometriosis the few days and months in this blog post. If you have any questions as always feel free to comment on this post or message me on Facebook or Instagram.
Sending you Love and Light!