Love yourself this Valentine’s Day

Love yourself this Valentine’s Day

Would you judge me if I told you that for almost 20 years I have sent myself flowers on Valentine’s Day? I just love flowers and not just any flowers… I love a gorgeous, luxurious bouquet in a VASE! This is no shade to my husband; he has occasionally bought me flowers. But part of why I truly value my husband is that he is a great money manager and a very practical man. So much so that we would never spend over a hundred dollars on something that would die in a few days. This, in part, is why I love him! But! Flowers make me happy. So I decided years ago that no one was going to love me like I can love myself. And a tradition was born. Below are 3 ways to love yourself this Valentine’s Day.

Surprise Yourself

Okay, you might be asking how in the heck can you surprise yourself?! One example is that when I buy myself flowers I order them wayyyy in advance. So much so that I honestly forget which type of flowers I ordered. It makes it so fun because when the flower delivery person comes I am truly surprised at what arrangement will be delivered. You can also tell the florist a price range and color palette and then you will be truly surprised.

If you aren’t into flowers you could put together a care package for yourself with several things you love. Chances are you won’t remember everything you put together, but you will be so happy because you can guarantee that everything inside the box will be things you LOVE!

Treat Yourself

I love a good facial, so I schedule one at least twice a year, one for Valentine’s Day and one for my birthday. Sometimes if I don’t have time for a facial I just upgrade something that I would normally buy for myself as a special treat! Today I will take the venti Frappuccino, thank you!

This is sometimes the excuse I need to take an extra long walk, or download that e-book, or order dessert with dinner!

Invest In Yourself

This can come in many forms. I have bought myself a special gym membership as a gift, or one year I bought myself an online language learning program, and one year a new book. This year I bought myself some mutual funds through Acorn. (You can read more about that here.) The cool thing about this is that no one knows what you need better than you!

Regardless of what you decide to do, take charge this Valentine’s Day! I love that I don’t have to wait for anyone else to tell me how much they love me. It’s nice when others do, but whenever I buy myself flowers, I always sign them… “From your biggest fan!” I encourage you to start celebrating and purposefully loving yourself this Valentine’s Day! And then let that love spill over into your everyday life!




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