Is your radio hurting your marriage? Here are 3 ways to tell.
Spice Up Your Marriage
I am starting a “Spice up your marriage” series in honor of my upcoming wedding anniversary. I wanted to share a few things that I am trying in my own marriage as we approach 13 years of heavenly bliss and eternal commitment.
Music can hurt your Marriage
I was watching Beyonce’s documentary a while back and giggling about how you can absolutely here exactly where she was in her relationship by the songs she was signing and writing.
When they were dating… she wanted to know if her body was too bootylicious for him. When they were getting serious.. She wanted to know if he would put a ring on it.. When she was mad it was all about the lemonade!

It reminded me that sometimes when I am most infatuated with my husband I listen to Sweet thang by Mary J. Blige or Whenever Wherever Whatever by Maxwell.
This made me pause and really evaluate how often I listen to songs like “Bills Bills Bills” by Destiny’s Child, “Before he cheats” by Carrie Underwood and “Cold Hearted” by Paula Abdul!
Is your radio hurting your marriage – 3 ways to tell
1. Listen to the Chorus
One simple way to evaluate is to really listen to the chorus. Do the songs make you want to hug him or hit him! If you want to hit him, it’s time to skip the song or switch the station.
2. All the Single Ladies
Is this is a song a single person could listen to and relate to. One of my favorite songs is Dontcha, by the Pussycat dolls. And really it’s not appropriate for me to be signing “Dontcha wish your girlfriend was hot like me!” unless of course I am roll playing with my husband.. And that’s a completely different blog post and role playing is definitely not going to hurt your marriage. Hehe
3. I Can’t Stop the Feeling
Seriously stop listening to “Unbreak my heart” by Toni Braxton on repeat! No wonder you are depressed. Yes the melody is amazing.. But really… how does the song make you feel?
If it’s a song that makes you amplify all the worst things about your husband in your brain then.. NEXT Song girlfriend! You don’t need any more reasons to be annoyed with your husband and it’s hurting your marriage.
The truth is… even in a perfect marriage your husband is going to eventually get on your last nerve. But let’s counteract that with the sweet serenade of postive thoughts and lyrics to support a healthy marriage.
xo- Chantea

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Analysing songs once with my husband we realised that we couldn’t even listen to anything. Fair enough if is for our personal private days of course songs are allowed but individually the influence can be so negative if we make it a habit. I am a pro BeyoncĂ© but again I realised that she’s using her talent to express herself of course and we (fans, followers, whatever…) make her a god and support her struggles and pains making them our own. Like her every singer does but music has such a massive impact on us and for a marriage. Ugh. Your reminder is top. 1 Cor. 2:12