Hello Friends! I am brand NEW to the Happy Planner, which is a traditional paper-pencil planner on steroids! I LOVE the flexibility of being able to customize its flow and contents ! Needless to say, I am pumped about diving in feet first into this new planner.

I am a goal setter! So I was very excited when I saw the youtube video of the Happy Planner team creating a vision board that you could put right into your planner. Below are photos of my finished product.

I first decided to write down my goals on a scratch paper (not pictured), so I could ensure that I would stay focused when hunting through my magazines. I purposefully bought a Women’s Health, Vogue and In Style Magazines because the current month’s issues of each of those magazines had photos that I knew I could use on my vision board after doing a quick brows through them at big box store.
My 2019 Goals are

Spiritual Goals
- Pray every day
Ready the Bible every day
Marriage Goals
- 15 date nights with my husband
- 5 grand love gestures to my husband throughout the year

Financial Goals
- 3 Mutual Fund Accounts
- 1 investment property
- Debt free (minus the mortgage)
- Hire Help (maid, assistant etc.)
Social Media Goals
- 100k engaged Instagram followers
- 5k YouTube followers
- 4 Blog Posts per month (minimum)

Fitness Goals
- Squat 45 lb weights (150 lbs)
- Bench 45 lb weights (150 lbs total)
- Yoga 4 times a week
- Washboard Abs

goal is just a wish until you write it down! So I am officially done simply wishing for successes in 2019.
Do you create vision board? Do you put it in your planner?