Even if you have kids you can squeeze in a date night with your spouse. Here are 8 of our favorite FREE date night activities.
Big thanks to Kellie Ann for these stunning photos.
Walk down memory lane
Visit a place that will bring back fond memories for both of you. For us, that place is the University we graduated from. Just stepping on that campus brings a smile to our faces and reminiscing about the times we shared there together is one of my favorite free date night activities.

Visit the local make out point
The other day we drove passed this beautiful view by a local lake and we both giggled at the amount of steamy car windows we drove passed. I totally plan on visiting this spot soon. Can’t let the teenagers have all the fun!

Run an errand (without the kids)
My husband and I have four kids, so there is almost no such thing as a leisure stroll through Target. Recently we had date night plans that fell through but forgot to cancel the sitter. When she showed up unexpectedly, my husband and I looked at each other, I grabbed my purse and we ran and picked up laundry and window shopped. It was a totally FREE date night but it was sooo nice to not have to unbuckle car seats.

Go on a walk
Our kids are finally big enough to ride a bike and not need to be yelled at to look both ways. And the other night we went on a late night walk, the kids rode their bikes and my husband and I walked side by side, it was almost romantic. And if we hadn’t been interrupted by the occasional, “mom look at this” we might have forgotten we weren’t alone! hehe
Netflix and chill
Put the kids to bed and watch a movie.. Or don’t. Totally up to you, but either way, “Netflix and chill” is always a great free date night.

Play Truth or Dare
There are a ton of free apps that have truth or dare prompts. This is a great way to connect with your spouse. You will be surprised that some of the answers you thought you knew may have changed. We love to play this on long car rides, but this game could be easily played at home for a FREE date night activity.

Play a Card Game
We have a lot of card games at home. Some are safe for the family to play, and some we would totally have to dust off that are not kid friendly at all if you know what I mean. Card games are a great way to connect with your spouse, unless you are competitive then do NOT play a card game! LOL