In a serendipitous way, I decided to start a daily blog! Yes I am going to blog daily for the next 365 days. Let me back up. Earlier this week, I made a goal to write in my blog more. I use to write blog posts a lot but got a bit of a writers block once I learned more about SEO (search engine optimization) along with a million other blogging rules. And it made me more knowledgeable but less productive. (Have you ever been there?) And then I stumbled upon my friend Reese’s Instagram. Resse just completed an entire year of blogging, and he was celebrating this milestone very casually on his Instagram stories. I was blown away at the idea of blogging daily and immediately went to read his daily blog, where he mentioned he started a year ago today September 21.
My jersey number in college was number 21, and I love to set big lofty goals. After getting over my initial 5 seconds of feeling completely overwhelmed by the idea of writing every day, I remembered that I almost write a blog post every day anyway on my Instagram via my daily post captions I decided to jump in today. Yes September 21, 2021! Serendipity!
Daily Blog Content
I will use this next year to go back to my roots and treat this daily blog series as an online diary. I will talk about all things mom life, plant-based life, marriage, and fitness. It’s what I talk about naturally anyway so blogging daily about this should be that crazy right?? Well, we will see together.
If you want to follow along you can subscribe here or just check back to my blog when you have time to binge read. Every post (well 99% of them) should be short and right to the point. Just like this one!
So… challenge on. Day 1… PUBLISHED! Thanks for joining me on this adventure.