This is year two of my yoga journey. And I can’t believe I am still even talking about it. I secretly thought that I would…
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I know I am not the only one all about reading self confidence books! This blog post is the first in a series of reviews…
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You want to talk about easy! I mean… literally bowl water and throw stuff in. But it tasted like I really did something this afternoon…
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I have always loved the 4th of July. If you know me, you know that actually, the 4th of July is MY FAVORITE holiday! I am so excited to add Juneteenth to my list of favorite holidays. It is such a lovely day to celebrate in American history. I hope you enjoy learning more about Juneteenth.
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Dear Wives in Blue, I want to thank you for your service. As a fellow wife of a husband on the front line, I can…
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