Today on Instagram I mentioned that I have several favorite Black History books that celebrate women. I am so excited to share my favorite title with you. If you are anxious to read my list scroll all the way down. In this blog post, I am sharing how I decide if a Black history book is a great one. I am also sharing the steps I take to preview the book before I add it to our personal library. I do hope you will read this short blog post, and add a few titles to your reading list.
Finding the Perfect Black History Book
To me, the perfect Black History book does a few things. 1) It focuses on more than slavery. 2) It can inspire children of all races. 3) It shares names and stories of untold Black heroes. This particular list is especially dear to me because all of these books also celebrate Black women. I have three little queens, and I love that they can read these stories and be inspired to achieve in math, science, and adversity.

Hand Selected Black History Books
When I selected these books I worked really hard to select books that fit the above criteria. Don’t get me wrong enslavement is part of Black history but to me, it’s not the only part. And I think the perfect Black history books will teach you something you didn’t know while celebrating triumphs and achievements.

Black History Books that Celebrate Women
The books below include are all Black history books that celebrate women inventors, authors, and entrepreneurs. I have carefully selected books of various reading levels. as my own children range from age 4-11.
Males Figures are also Featured
I will include a few books that celebrate both male and female black figures, but the theme of this collection is Black History books that celebrate women.

Reading Levels
Please keep in mind that you will have to use your own judgment in selecting the reading level of the book that best suits your child for independent reading. Also, keep in mind that all of these books are perfect for an adult read aloud.
Preview and Purchasing
All of these books are linked below via Amazon, I do get a small commission if you purchase these books from my links. But all of these books are available at other retailers. Regardless of where you purchase these books, I do recommend that you use Amazon to take a peek at the preview pages to see if the book is suitable for your little reader.
I hope you will add a few to your reading list. Bravo to your efforts in enriching your childrens historical knowledge. Regarldless of your race, we could all use a broader knowledge of Black history which is AMERICAN HISTORY!
XO- Chantea
Please check out my other Black history resources at chanteamcintyre.com/blackhistory

A great and fruitful read. Thanks for taking the time to research and share this.