Did you know you could use hemorrhoid cream to reduce cellulite in your thighs and to reduce puffy eyes? Years before I actually suffered from Hemorrhoids (TMI I Know) I used hemorrhoid cream for numerous things! If you are a pageant girl you may already know these secrets; but if you are not, then welcome to our inner circle. (insert sinister laugh…. muhahahaha!)

I am going to share with you three pageant girl secrets and tips for alternate uses of hemorrhoid cream… from a beauty queen! PS these tips really work!
Tip #1
The first tip is my favorite, and is the one that introduced me to the world of alternative uses for hemorrhoid cream. Did you know you can reduce cellulite by lathering hemorrhoid cream on your thighs! Results only last a few days, but it really works. Here are the super simple steps.
Reduce cellulite in thighs- Step 1
Buy Hemorrhoid cream. You will need at least 2 tubes. The generic brand will totally do the trick.

Step 2
Rub the hemorrhoid cream generously all over your thighs. (If you are going to use a self tanner wait at least two hours after final coat to apply hemorrhoid cream. I have never had an issue with my self tanner coming off when I use hemorrhoid cream for cellulite reduction as long as I wait for the final coat to be completely dry.

Step 3
Wrap legs with plastic wrap. I know this sounds crazy, and it will literally SOUND crazy as you waddle around for the next few hours. But this step is vital for two reasons. First, the plastic wrap will keep you from making a terrible mess of everything around you. Second, the plastic wrap helps to act
I like to sleep in this craziness the night before I hit the stage, or the night before I see any of my husband’s ex-girlfriends JK!

Tip #2
In addition to reducing cellulite in thighs, I also love to use hemorrhoid cream
Just apply the cream as part of your normal skin care routine after your moisturizer, and if you apply during the day use it after your sunscreen. Just remember a little goes a long way.

Tip #3
And while we are talking about puffy eyes, my last favorite unconventional use of hemorrhoid cream is as a makeup remover. I have used this many times in a pinch because I forgot my eye makeup remover while traveling. And now I pack the hemorrhoid cream as a three for one when I travel.
I hope you enjoyed my three favorite uses for Hemorrhoid cream. Tell me in the comments if you have used hemorrhoid cream to reduce cellulite in your thighs, or for anything else. I can’t wait to read
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