Effortless”-ly Styled Family Photo: How I style my family for Christmas photos
I have to confess that I really like the idea of taking family photos. I think it’s fun to watch your kids grow from year to year, and look great in a photo for a moment in time! But in all honesty, actually taking the picture has become less and less fun with every new addition.
My husband and I use to take family photos with our dog.. our first born. And at the time I use to think that was stressful! hehe This past year we took family photos, three weeks after we moved into our new home, which was 3 months after our 4th child was born, which was the week we found out my mother in law had terminal cancer! Yikes!
So if I can make a family photo look semi descent amongst all that chaos, so can you! (please note the body language of the baby in this photo… if there was a sound button you would definitely hear screaming!! LOL)
Below are my tips for getting an “effortless”-ly styled family photo.
- I always start with myself.
There is some truth to the idea that if momma ain’t happy no one is! So first I decide what I want to wear.. Leggings..a dress… an evening gown (Yes I have actually worn all of those options). Then I usually dress my kids around … well… me! lol
I also make it a priority to get myself ready first too on the day of the pictures… Otherwise, I did all that planning and I look like a hot mess anyway! hehe
- Have fun with the color palette.
My general rules are
- one person has to wear a fun texture or pattern.
- Colors should complement but not matchy-matchy.
I hardly every will put two people in the exact same color.. and I really hardly ever put two people in the exact same outfit. I think it takes the personality away from the photo.
To me putting everyone in the same color tops and same color jeans is boring!!! (no offense if that’s your go-to) What if instead everyone wore something alternating of the same color.. pink for example in this photo.
- Make each individual person “photo-worthy.”
When choosing what each family member would wear, I think would this outfit be cute if this person was taking a photo all by themselves? Does this outfit match their personality? Does this generally match the color scheme? From experience, I know you will go crazy trying to match the exact shade of purple or red.. don’t sweat the small stuff! If the colors can land on the same color strip at your local hardware store… your family will look great!
I hope this helped! Tag me in your family photos I want to see them!! Chantea