5 Second Rule- Book Review

5 Second Rule- Book Review
The opinions below are entirely my own, the links are affiliate, which means I make a small percentage if you choose to purchase the book in the link. I hope you enjoy my book review!

I am a former teacher… so for me, the new year begins in August!

And every August I set goals. One of my goals this year is to read more. I am trying to create readers in my children.. and I know from experience that I have to lead by example.

This month I finished The 5 Second Rule: Transform your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage! I am a sucker for a book that has tools that I can apply right away.

So why am I featuring photos of me working out? Because this book totally gave me a simple tool to get my butt off the couch! (keeping reading to see how)


In short, the book describes a process for kicking your butt in gear by counting down from 5.

And then when you get to 1. You have to do whatever it is that you KNOW you needed to do. It’s sort of a prescription strength anti procrastinator toolkit! For me the thing I needed to do was… WORKOUT!




After reading the book I seldom make it to “1” on my 5 to one countdown. For me, it normally works like this.

Your listening to my inner thoughts here hehe!

Chantea… you really need to work out! The kids are asleep it’s really a great time.

Also Chantea…. But I don’t want to…

5…4… 3… 2- standing up and somehow finding the discipline to work out.

Sometimes you guys lovingly call me “super mom”… let me be clear! There is not much super about me!

BUT one decision at a time will change your life… and it’s what makes me “super” if you still think that about me.

It’s how I am able to accomplish so much in a day. And this book was a great kick in the pants to take my productivity to another level! 

What book are your reading currently?

Do you think The 5 Second Rule would help you be more productive?





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